Random Rhythm Reading is a series of downloadable text documents containing rhythmical phrases that can be rearranged for creating infinite variations of the reading text. This is very handy for practising purposes.
The musical text consists of pictures which represent one bar each. Using a simple text editor like TextEdit on Mac or WordPad on Windows you can copy and paste, drag and drop, duplicate or delete bars to rearrange them. As one bar is the smallest unit in this system, I offer reading texts in 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 metres, each in 8th and 16th notes. As each package for one metre and subdivision is presented in a new post as I gradually expand the system, please use the Random Rhythm Reading category to get all of them.
As Mac and Windows systems use different techniques to incorporate pictures into a text file, I had to create different versions for Mac and Windows. The one for Mac is a .rtfd file that opens in TextEdit. TextEdit offers very cool drag and drop support for the pictures, which is really fun. The one for Windows is a .doc file that should open in WordPad, and as far as I know you can’t drag and drop pictures there. But this file format offers wider compatibility, also suitable for mobile devices.
Download Random Rhythm Reading 3/4 in 16th Notes, Part A for Mac
Download Random Rhythm Reading 3/4 in 16th Notes, Part A for Win
I will add packages to the system from time to time, so stay tuned – don‘t forget to subscribe to the RSS-Feed at the bottom of this page so you will always get notified when something new is out – and don‘t forget to „dice“ your reading text from time to time: Remember that you can reorder the text by simply dragging bars around.
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